Expert Testimony and Consultation
Expert Witness opinion on flight risk and risk of international custody abduction and the legal remedy available to the left-behind parent if abduction to the Middle East occurs. Scope of testimony includes Islamic, Shari’a law as it relates to parent’s and children’s rights during divorce and custody disputes, and women’s rights in Islamic societies. I (Kristine) have provided expert testimony in the following jurisdictions:
California, North Carolina, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, Oregon, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Michigan, Texas, New Jersey, Virginia, New York, Wisconsin, North Carolina and the Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.
In the case of Abugoush v. Abugoush (New Jersey), my affidavit was utilized specifically for an (abduction) Risk Management Hearing wherein high risk was determined and the court ordered supervised visitation. In the case of Susan (Steyteieh) Miller v. Sharif Ghalib Sharif Steuteyieh (California), supervised visitation was maintained after my direct testimony. In the case of Valerie Pitts Alamanseer v. Hamdallah Albaseer Almanaseer (Florida) my affidavit was used to prohibit travel to Jordan during unsupervised visitation.
Testimony has addressed the application of Shari’a Law and prevalent customs in Islamic societies as it relates to divorce and child custody for the following Islamic countries or courts:
Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Iran, Kuwait, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, and Qatar.
I have also provided testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, DC. My testimoniy before Congress addressed my difficulty in gaining access to my abducted children held in Saudi Arabia and my experiences with the Shari’a’ court system concerning custody/visitation rights of American parents of dual national children.
In addition, in some situations we are able to provide in-country communication/liaison, and service of process.
California, North Carolina, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, Oregon, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Michigan, Texas, New Jersey, Virginia, New York, Wisconsin, North Carolina and the Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.
In the case of Abugoush v. Abugoush (New Jersey), my affidavit was utilized specifically for an (abduction) Risk Management Hearing wherein high risk was determined and the court ordered supervised visitation. In the case of Susan (Steyteieh) Miller v. Sharif Ghalib Sharif Steuteyieh (California), supervised visitation was maintained after my direct testimony. In the case of Valerie Pitts Alamanseer v. Hamdallah Albaseer Almanaseer (Florida) my affidavit was used to prohibit travel to Jordan during unsupervised visitation.
Testimony has addressed the application of Shari’a Law and prevalent customs in Islamic societies as it relates to divorce and child custody for the following Islamic countries or courts:
Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Iran, Kuwait, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, and Qatar.
I have also provided testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, DC. My testimoniy before Congress addressed my difficulty in gaining access to my abducted children held in Saudi Arabia and my experiences with the Shari’a’ court system concerning custody/visitation rights of American parents of dual national children.
In addition, in some situations we are able to provide in-country communication/liaison, and service of process.
WORKSHOPSKristine Uhlman is available to speak before your group and/or to develop a workshop for training of your agency.
PUBLICATIONSPublications on Risks and Preventive Measures Relating to Child Abduction to Islamic Countries: Copies available on request.
Uhlman, K., and Kisselburg, Elisa, Islamic Shari'a Contracts: Pre-Nuptial and Custody Protections. Journal of Child custody, 10:59-370, 2013. Click here for pdf. Uhlman, K., Overview of Shari’a and Prevalent Customs in Islamic Societies: Divorce and Child Custody. 2004 International Law/Family Law Winter Section Education Institute Publication. Click here for pdf. Uhlman, K., Custody Abduction Risk Factors Unique to the Islamic Countries. The California International Practitioner, Journal of the International Law Section of the California State Bar. Vol. 11, No. 2, 2001-2002. pp.38-44. Click here for pdf. Uhlman, K., International Custody Abduction into the Islamic World. Association of Certified Family Law Specialists ‘ACFLS’ Newsletter, Winter 2000, No. 4, pp. 11- 13. Uhlman, K., Islamic Marriage Contracts. Family Law News. State Bar of California Family Law Section, Issue 3, 2005. Vol. 27, No. 3, pp.9-26. Kristine's first visit with her abducted children in 1983, 2 years after they were taken.